by Bob Marshall Andrews and Martin Rowson - £8.99 Everything with Words (2019)
ISBN 13: 9781911427124 | ISBN 10: 1911427121
The world of Westminster laid bare in cool, understated prose brimming with irony and seen through Martin Rowson’s sharp, satirical eye. What happens when your referendum goes haywire, your election fails to deliver and lies, truth and fake-news battle it out in cyber space to the cheers and tears of those grappling for power. All in the interest of the people...
The hilarious joint creation of Bob Marshall Andrews, author, barrister, former Labour MP for Medway, thorn in Tony Blair’s side, guest on Have I Got News for You and multi award winning cartoonist, author, illustrator, writer and poet Martin Rowson. Just what you need in Brexit Britain to keep your flag flying and madness at bay. If possible...
(Price & availability last checked: November 2019)
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