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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Attachment, Trauma and Resilience

by Kate Cairns and Brian Cairns - £17.95  CoramBAAF (2016)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781910039359 | ISBN 10: 1910039357

Over a 25-year period Kate and Brian Cairns, along with their three birth children, fostered 12 children ranging in age from four to 15 at the time of joining the family. In their highly successful books Attachment, Trauma and Resilience (Kate Cairns) and Fostering Attachments (Brian Cairns) they offered a compelling insight into the realities of family life with children who have lived through overwhelming stress. Now for the first time Kate and Brian’s separate works have been combined in this new edition of Attachment, Trauma and Resilience.
In this remarkable and inspirational book, Kate and Brian draw upon the wealth of their personal and professional experience to offer an insight into the realities of family life with children who have lived through overwhelming stress. Vividly described scenarios show how the family responded to children displaying powerful feelings and difficult behaviours following their experiences of attachment difficulties, loss, abuse and trauma.
The book is structured in three parts. The first two comprise the text of the first edition of Kate’s book Attachment, Trauma and Resilience whilst the third is an account of practical parenting strategies first published in Brian’s Fostering Attachments. Kate’s writing focuses on trauma and brain injury, and the theoretical and research basis behind the family’s fostering approach, and how this can be used to help children recover. Brian’s work is more intensely practical, exploring day-to-day approaches and important aspects of interaction with children which can help to promote their resilience and encourage healing.
Together their work forms a holistic whole. The authors’ commitment to traumatised children and helping families care for them informs the humane and mature approach that is evident throughout. Anyone caring for or working with children separated from their families will find much that is inspiring, illuminating and affirmative in this seminal work.

(Price & availability last checked: February 2017)

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