by Maggie Hyde, illustrated by Michael McGuinness - £7.99 Icon Books Ltd (2008)
ISBN 13: 9781848310100 | ISBN 10: 1848310102
Carl Gustav Jung was the enigmatic and controversial disciple of Sigmund Freud, who supplemented Freud’s work with crucial questions about religion and the soul. Jung, with his new-age following, if often perceived today as a quasi-religious sage, but Introducing Jung explores how this overlooks the fact that he was a scientist and a scholar.
Introducing Jung brilliantly explains why Jung broke away from Freud and describes his own near-psychotic breakdown in mid-life, from which he emerged with radical new insights into the nature of the unconscious mind. The book demonstrates how Jung explored the psychology of religion, alchemy, astrology the I Ching and other phenomena rejected by science, in the investigation of his patients’ dreams, fantasies and psychic disturbances.
This is a hugely enjoyable, deftly illustrated introduction to this talented by misunderstood explorer of the human mind’s furthermost reaches.
(Price & availability last checked: October 2018)
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