by Paul Kingsnorth - £8.99 Portobello Books Ltd (2009)
ISBN 13: 9781846270420 | ISBN 10: 1846270421
We see the signs around us every day: the chain cafes and mobile phone outlets that dominate our high streets; the decline of small farms and the loss of our rural post-offices; the headlines about yet another traditional industry going to the wall.
For the first time, here is a book that makes the connection between these isolated, incremental, local changes and the bigger picture of a nation whose identity is being eroded.
As he travels around the country meeting fruit-growers, lock-keepers, stall-owners and the inhabitants of London's Chinatown, Paul Kingsnorth records the kind of conversations that are taking place in country pubs and corner shops across the land - while warning people that these quintessentially English institutions may soon cease to exist.
Part personal journey, part manifesto, part rallying cry to anyone who would identify themselves as "English", Real England offers a snapshot of the country at a precarious moment in its history, while there is still time to save its future from the forces of globalisation.
(Price & availability last checked: August 2018)
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