by Edited by Matthew Brown - £13.99 Verso Books (2008)
ISBN 13: 9781844673810 | ISBN 10: 1844673812
“Do not measure your physical forces against those of the enemy, as there is no comparison between spirit and matter. You are men, they are beasts; you are free, they are slaves.” — Simón Bolívar
The Venezuelan revolutionary Simón Bolívar, also known as El Libertador, sought to lead Latin America to independence from the Spanish in the early nineteenth century. Ever since he has been held as a model for subsequent Latin American radicals; Hugo Chávez, President of Venezuela, has dubbed his own programmes of social reform “the Bolívarian Revolution.”
In his introduction to this collection of Bolívar’s writings, Hugo Chávez explains why Bolívar continues to inspire.
(Price & availability last checked: October 2018)
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