by Callie Lister and Frank Kennedy (Compilators) - £8.99 Bobaloo Books (2021)
ISBN 13: 9781838151027 | ISBN 10: 1838151028
Including poems from:
Attila the Stockbroker
Elvis McGonagall
Henry Normal
John Hegley
Levi Tafari
and with illustrations by Kat Irvine.
"It is a true delight to see that creative spirit abounds through these very difficult times, with poignant observations on the effects of COVID, to hysterical expositions of life in lockdown. It is difficult not to relate to every single one of these poems which have come from different places: uncertainty and fear, disbelief, humour, gratitude, confusion - and also a deep understanding of the human condition. There is no doubt that we are living through 'interesting times' which have brought about great loss and grief but also a strength and sense of community. This collection brilliantly communicates the many threads of emotion that this moment in history has brought about. I'm sure, in time, it will be a great record of the challenge we all faced in 2020 and beyond."
(Janet Kelly - author of the acclaimed 'Dear Beneficiary')
(Price & availability last checked: April 2021)
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