by Lynne Segal - £9.99 Verso Books (2018)
ISBN 13: 9781786631558 | ISBN 10: 1786631555
What is the true meaning of happiness? Lynne Segal explores the radical potential of being together.
Why are we so obsessed by the pursuit of happiness? With new ways to measure contentment we are told that we have a right to individual joy. But at what cost?
In an age of increasing individualism, we have never been more alone and miserable. But what if the true nature of happiness can only be found in others? In Radical Happiness, leading feminist thinker Lynne Segal believes that we have lost the art of radical happiness — the art of transformative, collective joy. She shows that only in the revolutionary potential of coming together it is that we can come to understand the powers of flourishing.
Radical Happiness is a passionate call for the re-discovery of the political and emotional joy that emerge when we learn to share our lives together.
(Price & availability last checked: November 2018)
In booklists: Psychology, Changing the World,
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