by Libby Gleeson - £6.99 Allen & Unwin Children's Books (2008)
ISBN 13: 9781741753349 | ISBN 10: 1741753341
The vivid and compelling story of a young girl fleeing Afghanistan with her family and their journey to Australia. Inspired by a true story.
Mahtab was empty. She felt hungry - for water, for her father, for her grandmother, her aunts and uncles, for the trees in the back yard, the cabinet on the wall, the silver and glass objects so lovingly collected, for her mountains, the jagged peaks that cut the sky.
Her father was dead. She felt sure of it. She was just a speck of dirt on the floor, drifting through the gap between the boards, falling to the ground.
Mahtab and her family are forced to leave their home in Herat and journey secretly through the rocky mountains to Pakistan and from there to faraway Australia. Months go by, months of waiting, months of dread. Will they ever be reunited with their father, will they ever find a home?
This compelling novel by one of Australia's best-loved children's authors is based on the true story of one girl's voyage to Australia with her family.
(Price & availability last checked: April 2017)
In booklists: Australia: Books for Children, Immigration, Refugees & Asylum Seekers: Books for Children,
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