by Marianne Taylor - £9.99 Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2018)
ISBN 13: 9781472942265 | ISBN 10: 1472942264
"Taylor's book is so replete with leporine lore, so completely absorbed with the lives and (often grisly) deaths of our hares that you can't help but see the creatures with new eyes."To the people of rural Britain, hares are deeply beloved, perhaps above all other animals. They thrive in abundance in imagery but can be maddeningly elusive in reality. In our stories – ancient and modern – they are magical, uncanny and illogical beings which commune with the moon, vanish at will, and lose their minds when spring arrives. Yet despite the breadth and depth of its legends, the brown hare of the lowlands is a relative newcomer to our islands, and our 'real' ancient hare is the mountain hare of the most unforgiving high mountainsides.
(Alex Preston, The Guardian)
(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)
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