by Various authors - £12.00 Hammeron Press (2015)
ISBN 13: 9780956450784 | ISBN 10: 0956450784
LGBT activist and civil rights history from the 1960s to the 2000s has had a huge impact on our social and political landscape in the UK, yet much of this history remains hidden.
Prejudice and Pride: LGBT Activist Stories from Manchester and Beyond explores some aspects of LGBT activist history. It covers educational activism, youth work activism and the history of the LGBT Centre in Manchester.
Through personal stories of activists, heard and recorded by young people from LGBT Youth North West, we explore the wibbly wobbly nature of people's histories.
We reveal how they interlink in surprising and creative ways to form the current landscape of both prejudice and pride.
Prejudice and Pride also contains exercises for interpreting and ideas for collecting activist histories within youth work.
"Its fascinating and moving to discover and identify those LGBT people in less happy times, who fought for the freedoms LGBT people now enjoy in the UK. This book will make you look back with gratitude and astonishment for what has been achieved."
(Sir Ian McKellen)
"The struggle for LGBT equality is a long and continuing one. If you read one book about LGBT activists and activism read this one...accessible, passionate and empowering"
(Claire Mooney)
(Price & availability last checked: April 2015)
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