by Charlie Clutterbuck - £19.99 Pluto Press (2017)
ISBN 13: 9780745337708 | ISBN 10: 0745337708
*Selected as one of openDemocracy's Best Political Books of 2017*
Although widely criticised and hugely wasteful, The Common Agricultural Policy did at least afford British farmers a degree of support. Post-Brexit, that support will vanish - to be replaced with a woefully misconceived agricultural export drive that cannot possibly deliver.
Bittersweet Brexit suggests a solution: paying workers decent wages in the agricultural sector could radically transform the nature of farming in Britain. It would improve yields, increase sustainability and ensure greater self-sufficiency at a time when food security is becoming a vital issue.
This scenario provides a progressive, forward-thinking and optimistic future for food and farming in Britain, which, unlike many other industries, is currently being ignored.
(Price & availability last checked: March 2018)
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