by H.C. Flores - £20.00 Chelsea Green Publishing Co (2007)
ISBN 13: 9781933392073 | ISBN 10: 193339207x
Creativity, fulfillment, connection, revolution - it all begins when we get our hands in the dirt.
"Food Not Lawns is radical, subversive, and seeded throughout with treasures that will sprout into savoury, beautiful flowers. Don't just buy this book: Read it. Don't just read this book: Do it. Grow a garden. And let the weeds grow; they're good medicine."Food Not Lawns combines practical wisdom on ecological design and community-building with a fresh, green perspective on an age-old subject. Activist and urban gardener Heather Flores shares her nine-step permaculture design to help farmsteaders and city dwellers alike build fertile soil, promote biodiversity, and increase natural habitat in their own 'paradise gardens'.
(Susun Weed, Wise Woman Herbal series)
(Price & availability last checked: August 2018)
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