by Ellen Bass & Laura Davis - £14.99 Vermilion (2002)
ISBN 13: 9780091884208 | ISBN 10: 0091884209
Hope, encouragement and practical advice for any woman who was sexually abused as a child. The authors answer vital questions such as: how do I know if I was a victim of child abuse? where does the decision to heal start? how can I break the silence and who will listen? how can I rebuild my self-esteem, intimacy and capacity to love? what therapy, support groups, self-help programmes or organisations are available? Based on the experiences of hundreds of survivors and partners, The Courage to Heal profiles victims who share the challenges and triumphs of their personal healing processes. Inspiring and comprehensive, it offers mental, emotional and physical support to all those who are in the process of rebuilding their lives.
(Price & availability last checked: March 2018)
In booklists: Surviving Rape, Sexual Violence & Abuse, Child Abuse: Help & Self-Help For Adult Survivors,
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