by Ben Green and Brett Stewart - £10.99 Ulysses Press (2013)
ISBN 13: 9781612431321 | ISBN 10: 1612431321
A revolutionary nutrition and exercise program for developing one’s body into peak condition while keeping it animal-free.
Smashing the myth that meat, eggs, and other animal products are necessary for elite conditioning, The Vegan Athlete offers a proven alternative to conventional training that is 100 percent organic and incredibly effective. Designed by professional personal trainers, the program details the specific intake of the calorie-rich foods and proteins vegan athletes need to maintain energy and build muscle.
Presenting recent scientific and nutritional facts, The Vegan Athlete proves that plant proteins found in nature are more than enough to fuel the building of a lean, strong body. The book combines clear advice and helpful tips with day-by-day meal plans and optimal fitness techniques for a surefire path to super-strength and exceptional health. Thanks to The Vegan Athlete, there is finally a full-body program for getting in top shape that truly makes sure no one gets hurt.
(Price & availability last checked: October 2019)
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