by Nona Willis Aronowitz, illustrated by Caribay Marquina - £15.00 Rebel Girls Inc (2023)
ISBN 13: 9781953424457 | ISBN 10: 1953424457
Filled with helpful advice, Q&As between experts and girls around the world, and fun quizzes, this bold, big-hearted guide to girlhood will have teens and tweens feeling excited and confident about growing up.
Puberty comes with a lot of changes for girls today. There’s the thrilling stuff: making friends, discovering their superpowers, and finding their voice. Then there are the not-so-fun parts: body changes, school stress, and totally understandable social anxiety. It’s enough to make your Rebel’s head spin! That’s where we come in. Growing Up Powerful has the inside scoop on all things girlhood, and gives tweens and teens the tools they need to become their most confident selves.
Girls will learn:
* Mindfulness exercises to manage stress and anxiety
* Fun ways to get to get to know their friends better—and tips for making new ones!
* What to expect from their first period
* How to feed, fuel, and appreciate their growing bodies
* Small ways to make a big difference in their communities
* What to do when the news is scary
* And more!
Recommended for readers aged 8-12
(Price & availability last checked: July 2023)
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