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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Reporter in Occupied Iraq

by Dahr Jamail - £17.99  Haymarket Books (2007)
hardback    ISBN 13: 9781931859479 | ISBN 10: 1931859477

"From the earliest days of the war, Dahr Jamail has been a human conduit for the voices of Iraqis living under U.S. occupation. In the face of tremendous personal risk, his commitment to the crucial, principled task of bearing witness has never wavered, and this extraordinary book is the result.� "
(Naomi Klein, author, No Logo and The Shock Doctrine)
"Dahr Jamail does us a great service, by taking us past the lies of our political leaders, past the cowardice of the mainstream press, into the streets, the homes, the lives of Iraqis living under U.S. occupation. He is a superb journalist"
(Howard Zinn, author, A People�s History of the United States)
"While so much reporting from Iraq has remained embedded and wrong, Dahr Jamail�s courageous truth-telling from the frontline has been a beacon."
(John Pilger, journalist and author, Freedom Next Time)
"While the powerful media conglomerates embedded on the ground with the invading and occupying forces, Jamail embedded with the suffering people of Iraq and uncovered the horrors of this war of �liberation.� Dahr Jamail is the conscience of American war reporting, the quintessential unembedded reporter."
(Jeremy Scahill, New York Times best-selling author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World�s Most Powerful Mercenary Army )

(Price & availability last checked: August 2018)

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