by Graham Jones - £49.95 Biddles Books (2022)
ISBN 13: 9781915292483 | ISBN 10: 1915292484
"I am astonished at the amount of research which you've put into this book, and written with such a lightness of touch."
(Peter Elson, Blue Coat School Development Officer)
"Thank you so much another wonderful production on a par with your book on architect Ellis. The illustrations are superb."
(Roger Hull, Liverpool Record Office)
"The core of the city centre will continue to change and this will be a valuable resource to help understanding place and character as we work towards planning and policy advice."
(David Massey, Merseyside Civic Society)
"The book is a fantastic achievement and clearly a labour of love. I think you have done a wonderful service by publishing such visual riches."
(Joseph Sharples, Architectural Historian)
"What a magnificent piece of history - you have done a great service to Liverpool. So many fascinating facts and images."When walking around the Pier Head area of Liverpool's (now former) UNESCO World Heritage Site, many visitors - and perhaps even a few Liverpolitans - will be unaware that for much of the time they are walking above what once was the shore of the River Mersey. Through a series of historical journeys along part of that original waterfront the book describes some of the people, streets and buildings during the centuries of Liverpool's growth following King John's creation of his 'free borough on the sea' over 800 years ago.
(Colin Wilkinson, Bluecoat Press)
(Price & availability last checked: October 2022)
In booklists: Liverpool History,
In categories: Local Interest,
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