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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Parenting a Child Affected by Sexual Abuse

by Biddy Youell - £9.95  CoramBAAF (2016)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781910039458 | ISBN 10: 1910039454

We knew that Rose had been sexually abused by Samuel’s father. We were told that he was a known offender. Maybe we were naïve but we thought that Samuel was too young to have known anything about it and Rose had been removed from home when she was four, so hopefully the memories would be very distant an blurred. Far from it. Within hours of being in our house, Rose was asking us if we knew that she had been sexually abused. She launched into a description of her stepfather and what he used to do. It was an upsetting story, although we both noticed that while we were upset, she seemed quite cool and calm.
Adoptive parents and foster carers often have to face the fact that the child or children they take into their care have led very traumatic lives. Sexual abuse may or may not have been a part of their earlier experience. Many may be reluctant to acknowledge that their child could have suffered in this way and they may not know how to address it.
Parenting a child affected by sexual abuse provides a candid yet sensitive approach to this difficult subject. Including useful background information on child sexual development, the knowledge and insight that has been gained from adult survivors, and accounts of what it is like to parent a child who has been sexually abused, this practical handbook addresses the long-term effects of sexual abuse and how experience in the adoptive and foster care family can support recovery and healthy development.
As well as practical guidance on how to talk to a child about the abuse they may have suffered, the book addresses the misuse of social media and the risks associated with evolving digital communication.

(Price & availability last checked: February 2017)

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In booklists: Child Abuse: Helping Abused Children,
In categories: Children & Young People, Violence & Abuse,

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