by Elizabeth McCorquodale - £9.95 Black Dog Publishing (2011)
ISBN 13: 9781907317200 | ISBN 10: 1907317201
Kids in the Wild Garden is a fun and accessible guide, inviting you to embark on an adventure with your children by stepping into and exploring the amazing life that lies hidden and flourishes within your own garden. Demonstrating that you do not have to look far to discover rich and unexpected wildlife, the book’s playful format and variety of experiments, projects and games, make this a perfect resource for adults and children of all ages.
Designed to get kids away from the TV and to get their hands dirty, Kids in the Wild Garden encourages children to learn about caring for and understanding the fascinating natural world that surrounds them. Projects include: growing a tank-full of tadpoles; planting a butterfly garden and a mini-meadow; and designing cosy houses for winter visitors. Through sight, touch, smell and sound, children can interact with nature through projects aimed to educate and excite.
Jam-packed with outdoor projects, gardening tips, fascinating facts, jokes, recipes and fun expeditions, this book aims to get children out into the fresh air by encouraging exploring, care for the environment and imaginative play. Grab your trusty magnifying glass and find out interesting facts about all the creepy crawlies in your garden; for example, did you know that some ants milk caterpillars?
Kids in the Wild Garden also provides graspable introductions to biology, botany and ecology alongside all the facts you will need to care for the plants and animals in your very own garden. Instructions are easy to follow, step-by-step and are accompanied with child-friendly illustrations, bright and informative photographs, a key with fun symbols and full details on the equipment needed.
This lively book will help children, parents, teachers and their friends develop a long-term, enjoyable approach to their natural surroundings.
(Price & availability last checked: February 2019)
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