by Margi Clarke - £16.99 Trinity Mirror Sport Media (2010)
ISBN 13: 9781906802523 | ISBN 10: 1906802521
From working with the enigmatic Tony Wilson at Granada in 1978, to starring in one of the greatest independent films of all time, Letter To Brezhnev, in 1985, readers are invited to hitch a ride on a road movie with Margaret Bernadette Clarke.
The outspoken, hard-nosed star talks about her time on controversial shows The Tube and The Word. Soap followed: Brookside, Family Affairs, Queenie in Making Out and, most recently Coronation Street's Jackie Dobbs. The real Margi Clarke tells it as it is...
There's the day she was chatted up by a Beatle; the time 'nurse' Clarke gave Jack Nicholson 'medical advice' with a difference. The laughs behind turning down the Sheriff of Nottingham. Working with The Pet Shop Boys, The Sex Pistols and Paul Gascoigne's striking offer. The day she offered Kenny Dalglish a Match of the Day that can't be televised. Get a back-stage pass to the parties and rock and roll circus - and how her own personal re-hab treatment from drugs worked with a 'soul rinse.'
This is the autobiography of Margi Clarke - survivor. Show biz survival guides that will make you laugh and cry in equal measure. It's a tale of a girl who can't say no a challenge always defiantly coming through smiling.
She's only written one book before - Margi Clarke's Better than Sex Cookbook. This book is better than sex. Margi unplugged - bare and brutally funny.
(Price & availability last checked: January 2019)
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