by Doreen Ingrams - £13.99 Eland Publishing Ltd (2009)
ISBN 13: 9781906011383 | ISBN 10: 1906011389
Palestine Papers gives the vivid, inside story of the creation of the British Mandate of Palestine, formed with the divergent objectives of fostering Zionism and protecting the rights of the native Palestinians. This is hostory caught in the making: no rhetoric, no apology, no bombast, just the original documents culled from the secret minutes of Cabinet meetings, and from the telegrams and memos of ministers, generals, ambassadors and the Intelligence Services.
It brings to life one of the last episodes of British Imperial history, quoting from Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour, T.E. Lawrence and Lord Curzon, not to mention those in the hot seats - King Feisal, Herbert Samuel and Dr Weizmann. Proponents of both the cock-up and the conspiracy schools of history will be delighted by this rich mine of evidence.
"The best way to understand contemporaty problems is to look at their historical origins, and very few books are as illuminating about the origins of the tragic and intractable conflict in the Holy Land as Doreen Ingrams's Palestine Papers."
(Geoffrey Wheatcroft)
"...a scholarly and impartial analysis of how British politicans made the fateful decision to pursue a pro-Zionist policy in Palestine."
(David Gilmour)
(Price & availability last checked: October 2018)
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