by Ziauddin Sardar and Meryl Wyn Davies - £6.99 New Internationalist Publications Ltd (2007)
ISBN 13: 9781904456612 | ISBN 10: 1904456618
How can Islam reconcile itself with the 21st century? This No-Nonsense Guide explains the Islamic worldview, examining the Qur'an and Islamic law (sharia), Islam in history, and Islam's relationship with the West.
The authors analyze the struggle within the faith for a more humane and holistic interpretation of their religion, examine issues surrounding women rights, the absence of democracy in some Muslim countries, and economic development.
This is a balanced portrayal of 'real Islam', looking beyond the common perceptions and polemical debates.
It shows what Islam has achieved and shows why a better understanding of Muslims is needed throughout the world. But it also explains why Islam needs to make itself more relevant by showing it can create just, tolerant and peaceful society, and explores the steps for reform.
(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)
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