by Kathleen M McGee & Laura H Buddenburg - £5.99 Boys Town Press (2003)
ISBN 13: 9781889322551 | ISBN 10: 1889322555
Written and designed especially for teens this companion to the Unmasking Sexual Con Games: Leader's Guide educates and informs teenagers about the dangers of sexual con games. The book shows how teens can protect themselves from being intimidated or conned into sexual activity what role alcohol and drugs play in dating violence and how to know when someone is trustworthy. Also discussed are good boundaries to set in friendships and dating relationships and how safe 'chats' in cyberspace really are. Inside there is advice for teens on learning good friendship and dating skills and recognising when they are the target of someone else's 'game'.
(Price & availability last checked: March 2018)
In booklists: Sexual Harassment, Sex, Puberty & Growing Up - Books for Young Adults,
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