by Marie Parker-Jenkins - £19.99 Trentham Books (1995)
ISBN 13: 9781858560342 | ISBN 10: 1858560349
Children of Islam provides an original and timely discussion of the educational needs of Muslim children in Britain. Based on her research conducted in Muslim schools here and abroad, Marie Parker-Jenkins provides insights into the views of practitioners, Muslim and non Muslim, and practical suggestions to inform practice.
The book provides a brief historical overview of Muslim communities in Britain; an introduction to Islam and the Islamic concept of Knowledge; and the duties of Muslim parents and children, Categories of needs identifies for Muslim children by Islamic writers are covered in depth with examples of accommodation of these concerns within the classroom.
Children of Islam is intended for everyday use by teachers and to help schools to prioritise issues and develop a hierarchy of needs. It offers a practical framework against which to assess accommodation within individual schools and considers the implications for other minority groups. With its glossary of terms, practical examples and information on relevant resources and organisations, this book will be a boon to teachers with little experience of Islam.
Dr Marie Parker-Jenkins has taught in Britain and abroad and has first hand knowledge of cultural diversity within the classroom. She lectures in the School of Education, University of Nottingham.
(Price & availability last checked: December 2018)
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