by Hamid Dabashi - £17.99 Zed Books Ltd (2010)
ISBN 13: 9781848138162 | ISBN 10: 1848138164
Iran, the Green Movement and the USA presents the dilemma that the West faces in dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran and their nuclear armament, and how the unfolding civil rights movement in Iran (the Green Movement) will be effected by this interaction.
Expert Iranian author Hamid Dabashi argues that if Obama negotiates with Ahmadinejad, he will further strengthen the IRI regionally and legitimize Ahmadinejad's otherwise troubled presidency internationally; and if he were not to do so and opt for further economic sanctions and/or military strikes he will paradoxically strengthen the IRI regionally and altogether destroy the domestic opposition and the budding Green Movement.
Featuring a short history of how the US and Iran were placed in these confrontational positions, this elegantly written book presents an Iran weak in domestic affairs, but strong in regional geopolitics and provides the reader with dynamic picture of the region, and a purposeful analytic of how to understand and deal with it.
(Price & availability last checked: January 2019)
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