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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Ask Mother Nature: A Conscious Gardener's Guide

by Ellen Vande Visse - £8.99  Findhorn Press (2009)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781844091638 | ISBN 10: 1844091635

Can you really communicate with the ‘pests’ in your garden? Ellen Vande Visse believes that you can! She takes you, step-by-step, into her garden to encounter the onslaught of maggots, cutworms, slugs and other ‘pests’. She introduces you to the idea that you can make a deal with these ‘pests’ by communicating with them rather than waging chemical warfare on them.
Smile at Ellen’s first desperate attempts to communicate with the root maggot, follow her as she learns how to dialogue with the Devas of the ‘pests’ in her garden, begins to see them for the gift they are, and finally learns how to work in co-operation and harmony with all of the nature kingdom.
Ask Mother Nature is a unique combination of spiritual development manual and gardening guide. The narrative challenges you to actually live, apply and demonstrate a conscious life by directly communicating with nature. Ask Mother Nature provides:
* Entertaining first-person stories that explain the steps you need to take to garden in co-operation with nature;
* A simple method of communicating with the nature kingdoms that does not require you to be psychic or good at meditating;
* The Devic perspective – read how the different nature beings voice their viewpoint.

(Price & availability last checked: September 2018)

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