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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Free For All: Why The NHS Is Worth Saving

by Gavin Francis - £7.99  Profile Books Ltd (2023)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781800819252 | ISBN 10: 1800819250

An urgent call-to-arms in defence of our NHS.
'Needle-sharp analysis from the front line' Ian Rankin
'Wonderful ... A heartbreaking chronicle of the NHS's near-demise, and a call to action' Leah Hazard
'Compassionate, clever, curious, principled, humane ... A succinct, elegant and beautifully written account of what the NHS should and could still be' Rachel Clarke
Britain's health service is dying. Gavin Francis shows us why we should fight for it.
Since its birth in 1948, the powers that be have chipped away at the NHS. Now, Britain's best-loved institution is under greater threat than ever, besieged by a deadly combination of underfunding, understaffing and the predatory private sector.
In the wake of the pandemic, we have come to accept a 'new normal' of permanent crisis and years-long waiting lists. But, as Gavin Francis reveals in this short, vital book- it doesn't have to be this way, and until recently, it wasn't. Drawing on the history of the NHS as well as his own experience as a GP, he introduces us to the inner workings of an institution that has never been perfect but which transformed the lives and health of millions, for free - and which has never been more important.
For those who believe in the future of the NHS and its founding principles, this is essential reading from the bestselling author of Recovery and Intensive Care.

(Price & availability last checked: August 2023)

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In booklists: The NHS (National Health Service),
In categories: Health & Wellbeing,

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