by Janet Piedilato, illustrated by Tom Duxbury - £24.99 Welbeck Publishing Group (2021)
book and cards
ISBN 13: 9781800691612 | ISBN 10: 1800691610
This remarkable tarot emerges directly from the mystical realms of dream and vision, manifesting completely fresh imagery. Pregnant with possibilities that shine light upon the hidden and reveal new pathways of understanding, each image - direct from the author's own dream experiences - is an original offering rich with powerful insights designed to awaken that which is essential for moving forward on our journey of self-discovery.
The stunning deck and accompanying guidebook invite you to discover the wisdom and truth that lie beyond the limited view of waking reality, and to draw upon the power of your unconscious - the insight of your psyche - to meet life's challenges and achieve your goals.
(Price & availability last checked: September 2022)
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