by Shashi Solluna - £8.99 Hay House UK Ltd (2016)
ISBN 13: 9781781807101 | ISBN 10: 1781807108
An introductory guide to the sacred sexuality practices of modern schools of Tantra, and how you can use them to find meaning and healing in physical relationships.
You will learn:
* the philosophy of Tantra
* an understanding of Tantra as a spiritual path
* the role of relationships, love and intimacy in modern tantric traditions
* the importance of opening your heart - to yourself and to others - and techniques to do this
* different ways to explore your own sexuality with Tantra
* practices for creating spiritual experiences and higher states of consciousness with Tantra
... and much more!
(Price & availability last checked: November 2016)
In booklists: Sex and Sexuality,
In categories: Sexuality / Relationships,
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