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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Miss Muriel Matters: The Fearless Suffragist Who Fought for Equality

by Robert Wainwright - £9.99  Allen & Unwin (2018)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781760632687 | ISBN 10: 1760632686

In 1908 Muriel Matters, known as ‘that daring Australian girl’, chained herself to an iron grille in the House of Commons to demand votes for women, thus becoming the first woman to make a speech in the House. The following year she made headlines around the world when she took to the sky over the Houses of Parliament in an airship emblazoned with ‘Votes for Women’.
A trailblazer in the suffrage movement, Muriel toured England in a horse-drawn caravan to promote the cause. But feminism was just one of her passions: Muriel’s zeal for social change also saw her run for Parliament, campaign for prison reform, promote Maria Montessori’s teaching methods and defend the poor. In this inspiring and long-overdue biography, bestselling author Robert Wainwright introduces us to an intelligent, spirited and brave woman who fought tirelessly for others in a world far from equal.

(Price & availability last checked: March 2018)

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