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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Black Hole Survival Guide

by Janna Levin - £9.99  Vintage Publishing (2022)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781529112443 | ISBN 10: 1529112443

What would happen if you fell into a black hole?
Black holes are the most extraordinary phenomenon in the universe, but they are a riddle that confounds our intuitions.
Anything that enters them can never escape, and yet they contain nothing at all. They are bigger on the inside than the outside suggests. They are dark on the outside but not on the inside. They invert time into space and space into time.
Black holes are found throughout the universe. They can be microscopic. They can be billions of times larger than our sun. Our solar system is currently orbiting a black hole 26,000 light years away at a speed of 200 km per second.
In Black Hole Survival Guide physicist and novelist Janna Levin takes you on a journey into a black hole, explaining what would happen to you in there and why. In the process you'll come to see how their mysteries contain answers to some of the most profound questions ever asked about the nature of our universe.

(Price & availability last checked: March 2022)

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