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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Invisible England: The Testimony of David Hanson

by Anya Chaika - £7.99  Chalk Circle Press (2012)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781478205937 | ISBN 10: 1478205938

After experiencing holding therapy (between the ages of 11 and 13) within a highly systematic state-funded programme, a young man resolves to campaign against this unscientific and dangerous treatment. The book describes the legal and criminal investigations, the internet campaign and his extensive correspondence with leading academic figures.
The aim of the book is not to focus on individuals but to provide a social history which ensures that the thousands of children who have experienced this treatment across the world no longer remain invisible.
For more information about the campaign against holding therapy, visit the Invisible England blog

"A remarkable and disturbing account"
(Professor Jean Mercer )
"The dogged belief in bizarre treatments is an unscientific and dangerous ideology that continues to fail children and their carers, and I think these warped ideas come directly from Holding Therapy and the demonization of maltreated children that it implicitly promotes. Keep up the good work, making sure people hear your voice and your moving story"
(Dr Matt Woolgar, Clinical Psychologist and Project Lead, Evidence Based Measures of Parenting, National Academy for Parenting Research, King’s College London)

(Price & availability last checked: July 2019)

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In booklists: Child Abuse & Protection,
In categories: Society, Welfare, Justice & the State, Children & Young People,

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