by Michael Mansfield - £16.99 Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2010)
ISBN 13: 9781408801291 | ISBN 10: 1408801299
"Everyone has the right to representation. As a defence lawyer it’s my job to defend the indefensible"A radical lawyer with an unparalleled commitment to his clients, driven by anger at injustice and hypocrisy, intelligent, handsome and dynamic, Michael Mansfield has been tearing down the citadels of arcane legal conventions for more than forty years. Unafraid of rejection or failure, Michael has taken on the most difficult and challenging cases of our times and despite the odds, won plenty. In Memoirs of a Radical Lawyer Michael dissects many of them, revealing his motivations, meticulous approach to forensic science, cross examination techniques, the political dimensions and emotional reactions with clarity, subtlety and charm. Interspersed with personal anecdotes and recollections, this insightful book is liberally laced with Michael’s quirky brand of anarchic humour.
(Michael Mansfield, QC)
(Price & availability last checked: October 2018)
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