by Edited by Barnaby Rogerson and Rose Baring - £12.99 Eland Publishing Ltd (2006)
ISBN 13: 9780955010507 | ISBN 10: 0955010500
Meetings with Remarkable Muslims is a collection of travel writing celebrating friendship and the chance encounters that unexpectedly enrich our lives, which shows the diversity of the modern Islamic world and the way in which it continues to inspire, bemuse and enrich the western imagination.
What shines through these many stories is our common humanity - the need, indeed the urge, to earn, to love, to protect, to enjoy and to make a sense of life.
All the writers have agreed to donate their royalties (ten percent of the cover price) to buy schoolbooks for children in the Islamic world whose education has been interrupted by recent wars. The money raised will be spent equally by Education Action and BookAid International for specifically identified projects.
(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)
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