by Serlina Boyd - £8.99 HarperCollins Publishers (2021)
ISBN 13: 9780755504329 | ISBN 10: 0755504321
Cocoa Girl: Awesome Hair written by Serlina Boyd is a celebration of beautiful textured hair, with step by step tutorials to amazing styles.
A celebration of natural hair, this book is filled with tips and features real life girls who love their hair. Spreads include care tips for keeping your hair in tip top condition, photographic step-by-step tutorials, ranging from easy to difficult styles and positive affirmations packed with reasons to love your amazing hair.
Discover the perfect cornrows, hair puffs, bubble braids and fro-hawks. Accessorise with beads, hairbands, ribbons and colourful hair extensions. Create amazing hairstyles for any occasion!
(Price & availability last checked: December 2021)
In booklists: Natural Hair and Hairstyling - Books for Children,
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