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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Sex Cultures

by Amin Ghaziani - £15.99  Polity Press (2017)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780745670409 | ISBN 10: 0745670407

Why is it so hard to talk about sex and sexuality?
In this crisp and compelling book, Amin Ghaziani provides a pithy introduction to the field of sexuality studies through a distinctively cultural lens. Rather than focusing on sex acts, which make us feel flustered and blind us to a bigger picture, Ghaziani crafts a conversation about sex cultures that zooms in on the diverse contexts that give meaning to our sexual pursuits and practice. Unlike sex, which is a biological expression, the word sexuality highlights how the materiality of the body acquires cultural meaning as it encounters other bodies, institutions, regulations, symbols, societal norms, values, and worldviews. Think of it this way: sex + culture = sexuality.
Sex Cultures offers an introduction to sexuality unlike any other. Its case-study and debate-driven approach, animated by examples from across the globe and across disciplines, upend stubborn assumptions that pit sex against society. The elegance of the arguments make this book a pleasurable read for beginners and experts alike.

(Price & availability last checked: April 2017)

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