by Compiled by Rebecca Gillieron and Catheryn Kilgarrif - £7.99 Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd (2007)
ISBN 13: 9780714531519 | ISBN 10: 0714531510
Comprehensive guide to the top book bloggers on the internet which asks who are these people, what are they writing about and why? With some book bloggers gaining hundreds of hits a day, this book aims to show all book lovers that these blogs are an informative and fun alternative to literary criticism in the press.
In an industry where the success of a new book can be bought with marketing campaigns that cost thousands, book bloggers represent a new and entirely independent literary force. The internet has granted the reader a voice, and with hundreds returning to particular sites daily to hear what these self-elected reviewers have got to say, literary critics, booksellers and publishers are having to sit up and take notice. But who are these people? Why are they important? Motivated entirely by the love of books, what have they got to say and why are they so keen to say it?
This first ever guide to the top book blogs aims to tempt anyone new to this phenomena to log-on and get reading – including interviews and sample reviews from the leading contributors as well as tips on new book bloggers.
(Price & availability last checked: August 2018)
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