by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield - £10.99 Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd (2013)
ISBN 13: 9780711232556 | ISBN 10: 0711232555
It's raining outside - let's get out and play! Don't huddle cooped up indoors on a bad weather day: wrap up in warm clothes or waterproofs and get out of doors for some fun. In this book Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks offer myriad suggestions for wild things to do outdoors on wet, windy and snowy days, including:
- Rainy adventures (e.g. go swimming in the rain; test out your fire-making skills - can you make a fire in the rain?)
- Get creative (e.g. make a rain shadow; make an igloo; paint with natural paints made from wet mud, wet berries, wet charcoals)
- Play bad weather games (e.g. slip and slide; watermelon rugby; ice hockey)
- Experiment with weather (e.g. make a rain trap; make boats and float them on puddles; make a wind whirler out of a plastic bottle)
- Just have fun! (e.g. do a rain dance; make rain drums)
(Price & availability last checked: August 2019)
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