by Edited by Merl Storr - £30.99 Routledge (1999)
ISBN 13: 9780415166607 | ISBN 10: 0415166608
Bisexuality: A Critical Reader presents the reader with the essential primary texts on bisexuality from the last 100 years. Exploring this often controversial concept from a range of perspectives, this book places bisexuality in its historical and cultural context and interrogates its many meanings and uses. This collection includes sections on: the genealogy of the concept of bisexuality bisexual identities and bisexual behaviours bisexual epistemologies the inner dynamics of bisexuality and its possible future in cyberspace Bisexuality: A Critical Reader presents work by leading scholars in an easy-to-read format. Merl Storr's introductions give a straightforward overview of the texts included and sets them clearly in the context of debates on bisexuality
(Price & availability last checked: July 2019)
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