by Cath Smith - £10.99 Souvenir Press (1997)
ISBN 13: 9780285633339 | ISBN 10: 0285633333
British Sign Language (BSL), Britain's fourth language, is thriving across the length and breadth of the country, and its use is spreading far beyond the members of the Deaf community for whom it is the most fluent way of communicating. Increasingly, many hearing people are learning and using BSL, either because they have deaf relatives or friends or because they simply enjoy the expressive freedom of the language.
Sign Language Companion is intended for all BSL students. It presents signs with young people in mind, grouped in topics and linking ideas and concepts that will enable them to construct their own combinations and everyday conversations. The topics covered include:
* Getting to know you
* Family, people and other animals
* Conduct and behaviour
* Sharing ideas and interests
* Sharing feelings and relationships
* Food and drink
* Colour and time and this and that.
More than 400 sign illustrations, with over a thousand entries of English translations and descriptions or variations, show the enormous diversity of this living language, and each section ends with puzzles for practice and entertainment.
(Price & availability last checked: June 2018)
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