by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson - £11.99 Constable and Robinson (1998)
ISBN 13: 9781854875747 | ISBN 10: 1854875744
It was a deadly mistake. Joseph Malik, editor of a radical magazine, has snooped into rumours about an ancient secret society that turned out to be still alive and kicking. Now his offices have been bombed, he's gone missing, and the case has landed on the lap of a tough, cynical, streetwise New York detective. Saul Goodman knows he's stumbled onto something big - but even he can't guess how far into the pinnacles of power this conspiracy has penetrated.
Brimming with sex and violence - in and out of time and space - the three books of the Illuminatus! Trilogy are only partly works of the imagination. They tackle all the important cover-ups of our time - from who really shot the Kennedys to why there's a pyramid on a one-dollar bill - and suggest a truly mind-blowing reality.
"An epic fantasy... a devilishly funny work, loaded with humour, puns, up-level ironies that make you burst out laughing."
(New Age Journal)
(Price & availability last checked: May 2018)
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