by Karen Armstrong - £9.99 Phoenix Press (2001)
ISBN 13: 9781842125830 | ISBN 10: 1842125834
One of the greatest of the world religions through the 1500 years of its existence, Islam has also been by far the most misunderstood. The Western world has undergone a complete revolution of thought in recent centuries, but its mistrust of Islam is still essentially medieval. Seven centuries on from the last Crusade, the Holy Places Islam occupies are oil wells; once the 'Scourge of God', its forces are now an affront to secular liberalism. The 'fundamentalist' fanatic; the oppressor of women; the ruthless terrorist; the tyrant: these are the stereotypes of the new-look Islamic infidel.
Karen Armstrong's book cuts through the cliche to reveal a faith which ahs inspired as many scholars, mystics and poets as soldiers. Islam, she makes clear, has not only been one of the world's most important and inspiring religions but the basis for one of its most illustrious civilizations.
(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)
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