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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Bridging the Divide: Peacebuilding in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

by Edited by Edy Kaufman, Walid Salem and Juliette Verhoeven - £25.50  Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc,US (2006)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781588263902 | ISBN 10: 1588263908

In the midst of the continuing violence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there are many who remain committed to moving forward on the road to peace. The Palestinian and Israeli contributors to this book, recognizing the great potential of civil society and NGOs for the peacebuilding process, focus on realistic opportunities for conflict transformation.
Drawing from the experiences of the post-Oslo period - seeking to learn from the mistakes that have been made - the authors concentrate on possibilities for just solutions that will enable both peoples to live in peace, safety, and prosperity.

"Chronicling the valiant work of civil society in both camps in their quest toward reconciliation, this book helps us to fathom the uphill battle that the peace movement in Israel and Palestine has faced, and the hard work done in order to heal the wounds emanating from occupation and violence."
(Hanna Siniora, Crossing Borders)
"An incredibly courageous effort by Israeli and Palestinian peace scholars and practitioners to take a critical look at themselves and their activities, to expose and analyze their weaknesses, and to suggest ways to improve their efficacy and impact in their years ahead."
(Naomi Chazan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

(Price & availability last checked: June 2018)

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