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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

The London Years

by Rudolf Rocker - £14.99  Five Leaves (2004)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780907123309 | ISBN 10: 0907123309

This is the autobiography of a remarkable man and a window into a long-forgotten world. Rudolf Rocker was a German radical who became the leader of the Yiddish-speaking Jewish anarchists in London. He introduced this mass movement to world literature, organised demonstrations of up to 25,000 against the contemporary Russian pogroms, edited Yiddish political and cultural journals and set up Jewish trade unions. Rocker was active at a time of mass immigration by impoverished Jews, who were persecuted by the right-wing press and an 'anti-alien' movement which brought in the first immigration controls. Despite this Rocker united the tailoring trades in a mass general strike which abolished the sweatshop system in the UK. His movement was brought to an end by government actions that closed his journals and detained Rocker for years as an 'enemy alien'.

"Rocker expresses throughout his faith in the capacity of ordinary people to construct for themselves a world suited to to their inner needs, to create and participate in an advancing culture of liberation in free communities ..."
(Noam Chomsky)

(Price & availability last checked: February 2020)

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