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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Women and Shari'a Law

by Elham Manea - £12.99  I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd (2016)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781784537357 | ISBN 10: 1784537357

In response to recent media controversy and public debate about legal pluralism and multiculturalism, Manea argues against what she identifies as the growing tendency for people to be treated as 'homogenous groups' in Western academic discourse, rather than as individuals with authentic voices.
Building on her knowledge of the situation for women in Middle Eastern and Islamic countries, she undertakes first-hand analysis of the Islamic shari'a councils and Muslim arbitration tribunals in various British cities.
Based on meetings with the leading sheikhs - including the only woman on their panels - as well as interviews with experts on extremism, lawyers and activists in civil society and women's rights groups, Manea offers an impassioned critique of legal pluralism, connecting it with political Islam and detailing the lived experiences of women in Muslim communities.

(Price & availability last checked: September 2016)

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In booklists: Women and Islam,
In categories: Feminism & Women, Spirituality,

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