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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Light Made Solid

by Ben Mellor - £7.50  Flapjack Press (2010)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780955509285 | ISBN 10: 0955509289

Poet and performer, theatre-maker and activist, Ben Mellor was the BBC Radio4 Poetry Slam champion 2009. Bristling with the wit and wisdom and the energy he brings to the stage, Light Made Solid is his debut collection for the page and features many of the award-winning poems which have propelled him to prominence.
Originally hailing from Hitchin in Hertfordshire, Ben Mellor has since migrated north to Manchester, from where he performs and teaches at theatres and festivals, schools, colleges and universities, throughout the UK and internationally.
In 2008 Ben performed his first solo spoken word/theatre piece - an ecologically-themed, bicycle-powered show called Voices of Dissent, produced under the banner of his company Moksha.
In the same year he won the Manchester Literature Festival slam and the Diké Omeje Slam Poetry Award, the prize for which was a year-long residency at Commonword. He went on to become the BBC Radio 4 Poetry Slam champion in 2009.
Ben is a founder member of the spoken word hip hop theatre collective Pen-ultimate, whose acclaimed debut show A Night on the Tiles (a play written entirely in verse and exploring the seedy underworld of high-stakes gangster Scrabble) premiered in 2010 at Contact Theatre before embarking on a national tour.
Ben also works with musicians and producers to create backing tracks and soundscapes for his work. He has performed spoken word with jazz fusion band, Current Affairs, legendary drummer Myke Wilson's jazz/hip hop outfit Speech Pherapy, and beat-boxer and percussionist, Jason Singh. Ben also beat-boxes with (and without) a loop station to create beats and soundscapes for his own work and for the songs of singer-songwriter Léonie Higgins. &

(Price & availability last checked: January 2019)

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In booklists: World Poetry - England,
In categories: Poetry & Writing,

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