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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Ms Cupcake: The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes in Town

by Mellissa Morgan - £18.99  Vintage (Square Peg) (2013)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780224095587 | ISBN 10: 0224095587

Scrumptious cake everyone can eat! Decadent and delicious dairy-free, vegan baking for everyone.
‘I believe that, regardless of what we can or can’t eat, we all deserve a delicious, decadent treat every now and then. Let me show you how to bake vegan cakes the easy way with simple, dairy-free recipes that taste just like the real thing!’
Here are some of Ms Cupcake’s most indulgent recipes to make at home using ingredients readily available at the supermarket or local shop. What’s more, most of the recipes can be made gluten-free with simple substitutions.
Whether vegetarian, vegan, or suffering from allergies or intolerances, everyone can treat themselves to cupcakes piled high with dairy-free ‘buttercream’, fruity muffins, super-easy tray-bakes and no-bakes, gooey cookies, crunchy biscuits and – naughtiest of them all – delicious dipped and fried desserts using store-cupboard basics for something really special at the end of the day. Because everybody deserves great cake!

(Price & availability last checked: January 2020)

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In booklists: Vegan Cookery,
In categories: Food & Cooking, Environment & Animal Rights,

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