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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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The Devil's Highway

by Gregory Norminton - £8.99  HarperCollins Publishers (2018)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780008243791 | ISBN 10: 0008243794

Three journeys. Three thousand years. One destination. The Devil’s Highway is a thrilling, epic and timely tale of love, loss, fanaticism, heroism and sacrifice.
His fingers fastened about Her stone. He brought it to the light and held it to his nose. There was lightning locked inside. He rolled the stone in his palm to give it the heat of his body. She had come to him, catching his eye where she lay among dull flints. She alone among the stones had spoken.
An ancient British boy, discovering a terrorist plot, must choose between his brother and his tribe.
In the twenty-first century, two men one damaged by war, another by divorce clash over their differing claims on the land, and a young girl is caught between them.
In the distant future, a gang of feral children struggles to reach safety in a burning world.
A Roman road, an Iron Age hill fort, a hand-carved flint, and a cycle of violence that must be broken.
As gripping as it is dazzling, The Devil’s Highway is a bold and intimate novel that spans centuries and challenges our dearest assumptions about what it means to be civilised.

(Price & availability last checked: October 2018)

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